Thursday, October 25, 2012

Worst type of colleague

“I can't help you if you don't want to help yourself.”

Where do I even begin? The above statement says it all. I was inspired, well disgusted actually, by an office situation earlier that I thought I’d write something indirectly about it just to release the tension.
Incompetence. Now that’s a big word. Hmmm… and a bit harsh actually. What makes someone incompetent?

You sit your ass all day at work pretending to be busy but actually doing nothing. And when payday comes, you’ll be the first to rush to the ATM and get cash.
Cool. What a team player you are.

Is that incompetence? Not really. Though that’s complete and utter laziness is what it is.
So again, what makes someone incompetent?
Simple, it’s his/her inability to do the work at hand. No matter how hard you try to teach them, it goes in through the left ear, and escapes through the right. Needless to say, you’re in the wrong job missy. Or mister.

I’m not even sure if these people want to be here. Why waste your time and my time?
On a positive note, nothing’s impossible. So maybe, just maybe if you try really hard and exercise your brain tissues to their full extent you can get the hang of things. Thus, be capable of doing your job effectively. And I have no doubt that you will. Back-office work is not rocket science after all.
So what is worse then? A lazy person or an incompetent one?

Tough call.

Some people can potentially be good at what they do, but tend to be lazy for a number of reasons. In an office scenario, the list could go on…

Stupid boss
Being under-paid
Irritating colleagues
Management sucks
And on…
Unhappy marriage
Personal issues


Laziness + Incompetence? = Deadly combination.

A person who is not even that good to begin with and turns out to be a complete slacker is probably the worst type of a colleague ever.Ugh.

Uninspiring. Irritating. Negative. And over-all eyesore, to be honest.
The door is wide-open. I’m sure there is a right place for you, outside the four-corners of this office.

Heck I'm not even sure if I'm the right person for my job, but at least I'm a team player and not a dead-weight.

There goes my rant for the day, people. Thanks for reading my rubbish post.
And I’m sorry I couldn’t give the 5 minutes of your life back ^^


P.S. Something more cheerful next time ^^

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