Saturday, July 23, 2011

What's the use of this account???

SO I have 2 followers, right? Yey, let's celebrate! LOL

I would have been depressed to only have two followers here on Blogger if I were a celebrity. And since I'm not, It's fine. I guess. haha.

I know, i know i haven't been updating this account for ages, last post was like nearly a year ago <---- LOSER. >.<

Here's my plan, I will try my best to update this blogspot as much as I can. And lay low from Facebook and Twitter a little. haha.

Too many past trips, too many opinions, too many issues here and there, lovers have come and gone LOL Seriously, a lot of things have happened that I wish I was able to share here, but haven't.

Too many topics i got interested to, too many music have been played in my room. Loud and Not. Filipino, English and Korean. Some even Japanese.

Newsflash: English singer Amy Winehouse found dead on her London apartment!!!!

Ok, point heard. I will try to be more active here. And I have been planning to post fashion blogs forever!!! never happened. Too lazy I guess...

Gotta conquer laziness! Okay, starting on blogs now.
