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I was feeling down today, to say the least. Sicky-sicky since last night. Runny nose, tummy ache, and… Okay no further details.
Early morn I was already pissed off. I failed to wake up and attend a church thing. I was mad at myself. Smmmmhhhhh.
I tried to elevate my mood by cooking lunch for dad and my sister -fish and veggies. It did change my mood a bit. But then my head started to throb, it’s prolly due to my up-and-coming-colds. Least to say I was not in the mood again. Smh.
Afternoon came and it was Wafer’s bathing and grooming time. Now this definitely changed my mood since our good friend came over and helped us. I call her Wafer’s official groomer 
I tried to sleep for a couple more hours before going to work at night. I have no idea what’s wrong with me today, I couldn’t sleep. I was beginning to accept that it will be a groggy Monday night shift at work. What a way to start my week.
And then, I was supposed to meet someone (special?) before heading to work. I made an effort to be cute and all, dressed up an hour early for work. And guess what? I suddenly didn’t get any replies.
No calls, no Sms, no BBMs. My head started hurting again. Literally. Colds and disappointment combined. I might’ve looked like this >:/
Breath in, breath out.
I would like to blame it on my hormones, yeah. But still, this day shall not end with a bad note.
So I picked my self up, went and got a latte and my favorite sandwich, and greeted everyone in the office with a huge smile. Some even complimented my make-up and outfit. (If you only knew I’m making a huge effort to smile and talk right now)…
I got an explanation why my date stoop me up: he fell asleep. How great
Lesson: However bad your day started, you can always choose how it ends.
‘Til next post. Cheers.

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