Saturday morning, Apr 7 we drove to Liliw, Laguna. It’s my mom’s hometown.
As much as I would like to be my-usual-energetic-self, I was really tired. I came from an 8-hour night shift see. Nevertheless, I was excited to go there since it’s been what, 2 yrs? I miss the place. More so the people.
So we’re on our way, traffic ain’t so bad, we even stopped somewhere to get food – Krispy Kremes donuts, we were playing music in the car, chatting, everybody happy.
And then we ran into car troubles — clutch is broken, and somewhere in Los Banos we stopped in the middle of the road. Five people, including the Buko Pie and Espasol vendor had to push our car to the side.
To cut my story short, my dad figured it would take a while for the car to be fixed, and it’s scorching hot. We need to somehow clear out since Kuya mechanic has to fix it.
Where to go? To the nearest mall of course! We waited, ate and shopped just to kill time until our Tito Jun picked us up. My dad had to stay w/ the car until it gets fixed, poor him. But what chpice does he have? Good thing is when we arrived at my Lolo’s house, my dad got there roughly an hour later. So it didn’t take that long for them to finish fixing it anyway.
The food at my Lolo’s house was divine! I miss the freshness of the fish, even the rice tastes somehow different. I ate away until I couldn’t eat anymore. Also, the air is cooler, fresher,and so different from the Manila ambiance.
I wanted to say that the was peaceful, but it’s not. And it’s because my cousins from my mom’s side are there, and so are some other relatives. So it’s like 15 people talking at the same time. It’s chaos to say the least. But really, really fun.
All my attempts to get some sleep failed.
I was getting messages from my friends to get them Buko Pie, slippers (since Liliw does this Tsinelas Festival) and all sorts. I made a mental note that I will get them later in the day.
By afternoon I gave in. I was fast asleep on the couch and they went to the shoes/slippers’ shops w/o me. I mean, shoe shopping is REALLY my thing, but I had to pass since I was too groggy to even get up.
They came back, woke me up and told me that there were a lot of people shopping. Just like how crowded the malls are here in Manila. And that there were a lot of foreigners around, Americans, Koreans and a lot more. It’s really nice that the tourism in Liliw is booming. Just about time, cause it is a lovely place.
After the pictures are taken, food trays emptied, bellies doubled in size, we said our goodbyes. For it might take another 1, or maybe even 2 yrs before we get to see each other again.
It was a brief, and yet a very nice visit. Come to think of it, I did grow up in Liliw. Spend like my first 4 yrs of life there. It’s a home apart from Makati. And so it will be for the rest of my life 
Cheers to all Liliwenos out there 
Gelene, Camille, Ian, Audrey, Darrah and myself