Who has it?
And we probably all do, somehow.
Going back to my school days, I’ve always had a rough time reporting in front of the class. For some reason when I start to speak, I forget everything. Mental block.
I was kind of like this when I was in college:
“Ah… Hmm… Well… As you can see… You know… Yeah… Moving on…”
A lot of fillers. And I act stupid all the time. Defense mechanism I suppose. I tend too goof-around a lot and deliberately make a fool out of myself to mask the nervousness.
Aaaah… I really wanted to do well you know? Make the class think that I know more than they think I do. But the prof is not so easily fooled by my antics “Oh, she’s just shy.” Gee, thanks sir for seeing right-through me and breaking my disguise as a class clown.
So much for that. But once we grow older, public speaking is inevitable. You would have to somehow, sometime say something in front of people — office, church perhaps, group meetings, what have you. You need to suck it up and start talking. No time for shyness and clowning around. (Okay maybe a bit of the latter)
To cut our story short, I have been able to conquer my fear of the stage (I guess); and of the mic; and of the crowd.
Whenever I see it, I get excited. There is still a tad nervousness that creeps in, but just the right amount. They say “nerves is energy, yield it.”
Just yesterday I co-hosted a company party/event and I must say I did have a lot of fun.
I did mess up a couple of words/lines here and there, but I received generally good feedback. Haha. I asked my friends:
“Did I look stupid?”
“No you were great.”
“You really are my friends!”
And the organizer goes “Ysah from now on you’ll be hosting every show!” Me deep inside: “Noooooooo! I over-did my cute T_T” Haha
(Do I get paid for this? Over-time perhaps?)
Jut Kidding. I did get 2 rounds of food though, plus take-out. And USB card-reader from Globe, one of our sponsors.
Honestly, the day before the event, I was more concerned of my outfit than my to-be-performance. I was like “What am I gonna wear???”
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