I was going to nearby mall, Market! Market!, to bring my laptop to PC Express and try to get some help downloading the Microsoft offices. Just the day before, I purchased a Home and Student Windows Offices 2007 which cost me 3, 800 php so my mom can use it for the business their trying to run and my sister Audrey can use it on herschool projects.
Anyway, I had a difficulty downloading it from the CD installer cause I still had the Trial Versions on my pc that I had downloaded from the net months ago. I didn't want to take any chances so i just brought my pc in and asked for help from the friendly Kuyas at PC Express.
So where's d accident now? Oh....Alright....
On my way to the said mall, as I was riding this Tricycle (and I'm on the back ride) a taxi approaching us suddenly went so fast that the driver of the Tryke had to avoid it by making a quick swerve. And in like a split second, we hit a post really hard that made the Tricycle topple over.
OMG, I was at the back ride, with no protection at all, holding a laptop bag on my lap, listening to Death NOte music on my MP3 and before I knew it we were crashing.
Everything happened very fast. When I realized what was going to happen, I was somehow able to keep my balance as i hit the floor like Catwoman with my two feet and my left hand preventing me from kissing the ground, my PC clutched by my right hand to my chest.
But even so, I couldn't stop d vehicle from falling on top of us so I just tried to cover my head. Good thing the driver was quick enuf to jump off the vehicle and was somehow able to hold the Tricycle from completely caving in on us.
I was brought to my knees and I was hit at my back by the weight of the vehicle. The three people inside the sidecar, two ladies and a kid, were almost thrown out. And the kid that I was sitting beside with on the back ride was almost lying on the ground, holding his forehead and his tummy.and was brought to the nearest hospital after the incident. No one died of course. No one got any serious injuries (I hope). As for me, I only suffered from semi bruised knees. Tho my back hurt a little.
I was in a state of shock that when ppl started to swarm on us and kept asking us if we were alright, I couldn't speak at all. I reckon I just walked away from the scene as if nothing happened... And then I called my mom. haha.
What a night. I'm still lucky I didn't lose a finger, didn't break my back, my neck, didn't bruise my face ( ^_^) Thank You God!
Whew, lesson learned. If your destination is not that far, maybe it's better to just walk....
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