before, 27 is always a special day. every 27th of the month, every Sept 27th of each year, for almost 5 yrs it has been that way, simply special, in every sense of the word.
now though, it's just an ordinary day, like this day. I'm at home, sitting in front of the PC, blogging and checking random stuff on the net.
pix taken the day I bought Mark his Ipod Video, my last gift for him. It's not a 27 tho, but it was an early monthsary gift. my last gift cause we didn't reach the next month's 27th. =)
Memories... they will always be with you and they will never leave you. it might bring tears back, it might bring laughter to your face, whatever feeling it brings....it represents something that happened in your past. And it's not going anywhere. You can't go back tho, but it's okay to revisit them memories.
I don't believe in burn

But is it wrong to still keep pictures and letters? I dunno...you tell me. But don't get me wrong, I've moved on. Really. And so has he.
Oh I see, maybe because of the fact that I'm still single at the moment that's why I believe it's okay to post pictures of my ex...walang magagalit eh. Coz if I'm with somebody right now then of course I'd be thinking twice.
But you see it necessary for sharing. haha. For supporting documents. hehe.

Translation goes: Hon I miss you...I miss your kisses. Your hugs. Your smile. Your laughter... I miss talking to you, you talking to me. I miss your pag-iinarte...Your pout. Your pang-aasar... Hon, I miss you...I want you by my side always. I want to end my day with you. And wake up beside you....
(sweet noh, kainis?)
The reason why I keep those photos of him is because Mark is not just an ex boyfriend. He used to be my best friend, my second dad, my older brother, my buddy, my pet, my koala bear, my pillow, my everything...

He represents a huge part of my life and of who I am today. I learned a lot from that guy. he thought me to be brave, to love, to fight and eventually to let go.
So, whatever happened to Mark and Ysa, to 27, I can't just throw it all away. And I won't. I've forgiven him for everything, and i've set him free. But actually by letting him be free, I let myself be free... I live and breathe my freedom now thanks to him.... So why the hell can I hate him for that?
I don't pretend to be the strongest coz I'm not. Maybe 5 months back I was crying my eyeballs out every night... But I refuse to be a victim, I learn from it. And I'm not being bitter though I have the right to be... Cause I'm simply in a better place in my life. I've no room for bitterness and hate now.
I believe God has greater plans for me than what I have for myself. Before, I just thought I 'll get marriend in two years, and continue to do the things that I've been doing.
But looking at my life right now, I would never have imagined I'd be where I am right now. I've been twice more matured, happy, loving, forgiving and I just appreciate everything in my life right now that used to be over looked before.
I realised I'm not getting married for the wrong reasons... just because I was in love and I want o spent the rest of my life w/ that person....because I imagine a house and a bunch of kids with him...not doesn't seem to be enuf reason for me now.
If I'm gonna get married in the future, I will because I've already done every thing that I want in life and that it's time to get married. If it comes to that point then my prayers would be different from what they are right now. Then I'd be asking God for the right person that I will spend the rest of my life with because it's time to build a family with him and show Him that my youthful days are over.
(teka time out, now I'm talking about marriage? I thot this blog is going to be about 27?)
*Sorry for the Segue*
As a conclusion, I love number 27,wherever i see it it still makes me smile. In the movies, in books, at the streets....not because of a certain person, but because it represents a happy memory.
9- 27- 03... 9*3=27 2+7=9
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