I would not normally do a book review of a novel that I haven’t even finished reading. This one is an exception. I simply find myself unable to continue any further. You guessed it right, it’s not my cup of tea. This critique is based on the 90 pages of the book that I have read so far – a semi book review if there is such a thing.
50 Shades of Grey is a fan fiction turned novel by British author E.L. James based on Twilight characters Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. The names of the protagonists were changed to Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey. Much like their Twilight counterparts Bella and Edward, Anastasia is naive and Christian is a narcissist. Peace.
In a nutshell, it was an initial attraction between two people that turned into a sexual fantasy. Really, that’s basically it. I can’t elaborate any further since the book was very thinly imagined and poorly written. Perhaps I could have made my life easier and just gave a one word comment about it instead of writing a semi-review – could’ve just said ‘horrible’ and be done with it.
Why all the buzz? Beats me. Sex sells I guess. They say teenagers and mid-aged women would enjoy reading the book and find the sexual content exciting to read. Well I’m 26, maybe I’m just not the target market. Or is it a matter of personal taste? Maybe and maybe not. But hey, if you enjoy reading the book then good for you, no need to be ashamed. I can imagine a teenager holding an Ipad, reading an Ebook of 50 Shades and getting giddy over it. Again, if it’s your thing, so be it. Erotica is simply not the genre for me – honestly I didn’t even know such a genre exists until this.
May I just add that I got sick of the name ‘Anastasia’ all of a sudden. It was irritatingly mentioned so many times. And funny how Grey’s first name is ‘Christian.’ Funny.
If I learned anything from this book, it opened my eyes about the BDSM thing (bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism). I was like, “Woah! People actually do that? Crazy.” Yeah, maybe I’m the naïve one. Excuse my next statement, it’s like written porn. I can’t believe I just said that either – oh well. If it's your cup of tea or if you’re just mainly curious then give it a try and decide for yourself.
40 million copies of this book were sold worldwide. Good for the author. I've read that she just began writing fan fictions in 2009. Amateur writer hits it big time. Very impressive. They are doing a movie too, right? That will probably be a lot better than the book since you can get really creative w/ a film and the book certainly lacks creativity.
As a conclusion, I was obviously less than impressed myself. Do I recommend it? No.
To each his own.
No hating. Just blogging.
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