So 2011 has ended, a new year begins. Let me list some of my plans/wishes/goals for this new year.
In no particular order...
*Learn how to Drive
For the longest time, my folks has been telling me to enroll in a driving school. Dad even volunteers to teach me how to drive himself. Truth is, I'm scarrrred :D I don't want to be responsible for taking a life of a kid or a dog or sumthing. But I gotta conquer my fear this year!!!! AJA Ysah!
*Enroll in a Fashion School
So I've been checking SoFA lately (School of fashion and the Arts) but it's so damn expensive! I kinda want to send myself to fashion school but I'm afraid my budget won't permit it. Sucks really. But we'll see what happens. Anywho, SoFA is not the only one, there are many other schoold out there! Mom, helpppp :) Fashion Design is so kick-ass!
*Study another language
Wow, this has been on my goal list for two freaking years already. Nihonggo of course! So yeah, maybe this year finally :)
*Avoid Cursing/Swearing
I know, swearing is sweet. Damn right it is! :) But really, I gotta clean up my act this year. Act like the lady that I should be. Not swearing/cussing/cursing anymore. I know it's achievable. But it's gonna be freaking hardddd!!! LOL
*Update my Gadgets
I will definitely get the 4th generation Itouch, the one with dual camera. 8 gig or 16 gig doesn't matter. And I heard there is a 5th gen coming soon, so i also gotta check on that. My BB needs updating as well. I wanted to get the BB Bold 9900, type and touch seems nice. Only kinda expensive though T_T. If I can afford it, I'll buy a BB Playbook this year. Or maybe not, I bet I can't afford it HAHA. Who wants to buy my PSP 3000? :P
I've been around the country pretty much. I want to check out other Asians countries this year for sure. Maybe HK or SG or Malaysia. Wow, daming budget! Kaya nga wish eh? :)
I think it's about time to finally, officially, and properly date someone. Application forms available on the link below. Equal-opportunity employer :) Kidding. It will come when it will, no rush :D Ang magaganda hindi atat :)
*Church duty
I want to get another church duty aside from being a choir member. I gotta let out my creative juices and put them to good use. 0:)
*Tardiness/Being late
I dunno about this one :) HAHA
Happy New Year !!!!

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