Where did I get it that when you think of your dilemmas too much, or that when you keep a big secret to yourself it does confuse your cells; And therefor it makes you prone to Cancer?
Oh, I remember, from an Aga Mulach and Claudine Baretto movie I've seen some years back...
But is it true? Dunno.
Maybe stress makes you more Cancer-prone. Maybe it doesn't. What am I pointing at?
Well, I apologize to my cells but I can't help it if they get so confused at this time. 'Cause I myself can't even seem to eliminate some things that give me head/heart ache. Aargh.
A former President of the Philippines' recent demise makes me think, I don't want to get such disease.
Maybe I need to stop it, stop confusing myself; it's not healthy -- literally (if the confusion-leads-to-Cancer theory is true).
But how? Deep inside i feel I still needed some answers. I still demand some explanation. Some sort of confirmation that it had to be ended. And that there is no where to go but forward. Move on.
But maybe I will never get it. I just might be too delusional to hope that something great is still waiting to happen.
I'm tired of it honestly. I'm trying to eliminate the thought as much as I can. But the fact that it enters my head almost every time makes it so annoying.
This I know: Joy counters stress. Prayers take away confusion.
So I hope I don't get too caught up with these questions in my head and pay for the price 10 years from now.
Geez, when do I ever learn. Anyway, Moving on --
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