I only have 2 posts for 2011? What a shame. T_T
We'll I can only blame it to the fact that 2011 has been really crazy, busy, hectic and all the synonyms you can think of. I've attended quite a lot of events, been here and there, got addicted to quite a lot of stuff. Not drugs no. I don't do drugs, that's gross. Got interested in a lot of new things, listened to new music. A lot.
I'll try to list some of the interesting things I did this year. Here goes: In no particular order.
*Got addicted to Domo-Kun and My Neighbor Totoro cause they're uber cute :D
*Went to the Incubus concert \m/
*Went to Palawan with my high school friends, Malditas.
*Attended gigs of my rapper friends. Bgy Tibay and Konektado.
*Met Ian Tayao and Reg Rubio \m/
*bought a lot of shoes and bags HAHA
*got really active on Twitter, opened a Tumblr account
*forced to join a company pageant thing -_- pffft
*my face was on a freaking flier all of a sudden -______-
*got a Lhasa Apso named Wafer who totally changed my life :P

I'm sure I did more stuff than what's above. But you get the point, I was really busy this year. busier than usual if I may say. And oh, our chapel got dedicated last Dec 16. And that was really MAJOR.
I'll try to post something before the year ends, maybe like a Wishlist/ Goal-list for 2012.
Happy New year everyone! ^_^