I was shopping at SM Megamall after an appointment w/ the Ortho and I saw something that made me say ~ Whoa!
NO. It's not James Reid again, too bad. =) Side story, I saw him before at Bonifacio Highstreet and I totally got rooted on the spot. He even waved at me!!! asdfhklgj!
Anywho... :)
What I saw was, Blackberry was on 15% off ~ kyaa! Next thing I know, I was heading to the ATM and buying my first BB mobile phone.
I've been wanting to get a BB for the looongest time. Heck I even named our black cat Blackberry, bless him. She's more than 1 yr old now :)
What do I love about using a BB?
Facebook/Twitter App
I think every 25 yr old female, that I know that is, is either on FB or Twitter or both. Social Networking has just become a way of life these days. Before, it was only Friendster. And that was like waaay back 2003 or so. Now there's Multiply, Tumblr, Lookbook, whatelse? Myspace and many, may more I'm sure.
On my BB I am always connected on FB and Twitter. I love how I can easily respond to notifications, chat with my friends, post comments, read updates, get the latest news, directly on my phone. It's so fast! What I love about it is how your BB lights up everytime there is a new SMS, email, FB notification, Twitter mention or BBM. Gaah, it's the best tool for messaging!
Every BB user LOVES BBM :) It's a very useful feature unique for BB phones. Blackberry Messenger lets you send chats, voice notes, photos, files even MP3 to any other BB users anywhere in the world. And of course as long as you're on a data plan, it's unlimited. It uses a BB PIN which is unique to each BB users. All you got to do is get your friends' PIN and add them on.
You just even scan their barcode if your so lazy.
Talking about being connected non-stop? Handy when you're having a night out, too! ;)
You just even scan their barcode if your so lazy.

Talking about being connected non-stop? Handy when you're having a night out, too! ;)
What else? It's got other typical fone features like: Wifi, Calendar (it's a good organizer BTW), Alarm clock, MP3, and so on...
But it's gotta have set backs too, right? Ofcourse, it's not a perfect phone. Well for the record, there is no such thing as a perfect phone. Even an Iphone 4 isn't perfect. ;)
I hope it has a better cam. Camera ain't bad, but it's not that good LOL
Iphone vs Blackberry
And then there's that never ending battle of which one is better. Iphone or BB??? For me, both have their weaknesses and strenghts.
(It's all over YT, Iphone 4 vs Blackberry Torch) T_T
(It's all over YT, Iphone 4 vs Blackberry Torch) T_T
Best thing I love about BB that I hate about Iphone is that BB is much faster. I personally find it quite hard to type on an Iphone. I'm been an Itouch user and I never get used to it for some reason.Just the typing part. The touch interface of Iphone is superb. I've never used Torch so I can't really compare.
What I love about Iphone are the cool applications which BB doesn't have. BB has Apps via BB App World, but not as good, and as much choices either, compared to Apple/Iphone.
So I guess if you're big on messaging, get a BB. And if you're more on fun Apps and games, get an Iphone. (Tip: if u have an Itouch, get a BB, and you get best of both worlds! )
So there, just wanted to share how much fun I'm having with my BB. It fits my lifestyle I guess, that's why I like it so much :) And for the camera set back, well that's why you have Digital Cam/DSLR :))
Oh, and people call it Crackberry cause it's damn addicting. You've been warned!!!
P.S. Wanted to get a Blackberry Playbook!!! T_T
So there, just wanted to share how much fun I'm having with my BB. It fits my lifestyle I guess, that's why I like it so much :) And for the camera set back, well that's why you have Digital Cam/DSLR :))
Oh, and people call it Crackberry cause it's damn addicting. You've been warned!!!
P.S. Wanted to get a Blackberry Playbook!!! T_T