Almost three days off... away from the office, from bills,from my mates, from few annoying folks...hehe... in short term I was stuck at home with nothing much to do. I'd love to go out but I can't...duh...I have an injury... tsktsk....
So what I basically did was went online as much as I could and fulfill some online obligations...hehe... Hell, i believe I even got the brilliant idea to come up with this blogspot during those days... I've plenty of time see?
Aside from visiting the doctor and having my check ups, that's pretty much all i did in those two, almost 3 days. Went online, eat, doctor's visit, online again, eat some more... and oh, a lot of sleep.
But it's a needed break I guess, work can be so toxic at times, let's admit that. Altough it hasn't been a holiday at all, I had both of my knees slightly bruised and swollen that standing up straight is already tough ta do. *sigh*
Uhmm, what else? Oh yeah... And I guess If you're like me that ideas and creativity are just overflowing all the time (hehe... peace mates!) you have to have a way to channel it out some how. Aside from blogging....I let out all my 2-days worth of restrained aggression thru my hair.
Yep, I've cut it. Just my fringe though. I realized life is too short to stay in a certain hair cut for too long so I decided I wanted to have a full bangs.
And oh, I forgot to mention, I've been reading the Death Note Manga, online of course. Dunno where to get the real thing... if you do pls tell me.... here in the Phil ha? Checked Comis Aley, they don't have it eh, too bad... Anyway, here's a link for those who wishes to read it online, It's awesome by the way... Death Note Online Manga...Wicked!
So, moving on, so full of segues... my apologies... I was so inspired with Misora Naomi and figured out that I wanna have her hair cut....wahahah.... It might not have came out the way I wanted it to, but hey.... Change is good. So... Thanks Naomi for the inspiration...

So there... my Misora Naomi inspired fringe...